
packages = ["repid"]


This is a playground where you can edit and run code in your browser using PyScript - give it a try, it's awesome!

Edit me!
async def main() -> None:
    import repid

    app = repid.Repid(repid.Connection(repid.InMemoryMessageBroker()))

    router = repid.Router()
    async def string_length(the_string: str) -> int:
        await asyncio.sleep(1)
        print("I've slept well...")
        return len(the_string)

    async with app.magic():
        hello_job = repid.Job(
            args=dict(the_string="Hello world!"),
        await hello_job.queue.declare()
        await hello_job.enqueue()
        worker = repid.Worker(routers=[router], messages_limit=1, handle_signals=[])

import asyncio from pyscript import Element from html.parser import HTMLParser def eval_python(): class HTMLFilter(HTMLParser): text = "" def handle_data(self, data): self.text += data f = HTMLFilter() input_html = Element("input").innerHtml input_html = input_html.replace("
", "\n") # user inputted new lines == "
" f.feed(input_html) f.text = f.text[9:] # remove "Edit me!" locals = {} exec(f.text, globals(), locals) asyncio.create_task(locals.get("main")())

Your output will be here: